Sabtu, 24 November 2012

5 Centimeters Per Second

Sebenernya gw dah lama nonton nih film,, tapi baru kemaren waktu gw ngudek2 isi hard disk, alhasil gw tonton lagi..

Film ini terbagi jadi 3 chapter:
Chapter 1: Cherry Blossom
Tentang 2 orang yg bersahabat saat SD di tokyo, Takaki dan akari. Setelah lulus SD akari pindah ke daerah Tochigi. Selama Setahun mereka selalu berkirim surat. Sampai akhirnya Takaki pun akan pindah ke kagoshima. Khawatir mereka ngga akan ktemu lagi krn jarak mereka akan semakin jauh, mereka memutuskan untuk bertemu di stasiun Tochigi (di bagian ini bener2 nyesek, seakan waktu berjalan lama :< )

Chapter 2: Cosmonaut
Cerita mengambil sudut pandang Kanae teman sekolah Takaki di kagoshima.. Kanae yg menyukai Takaki, sampai akhirpun tidak bisa menyampaikan Perasaannya. di chapter ini yg bener2 bikin gw T_T (Hahahah pertama kali ini gw nonton animasi mewek)

Chapter 3: 5 Centimeters per second
Cerita tentang Takaki yg telah bekerja. di chapter ini diceritain dengan cepat n diselingi lagu "one more time, one more chance" (nih lagu bener2 bikin.............galau)

Happy end or Sad end??
ngegantung,,,, itu yg emank pengen ditunjukin dari penulisnya sendiri,, Gw suka banget sama nih movie, ceritanya sih simple LOng distance Relationship, tapi artworkny JEMPOL banget, n lagunya So......

setelah animeny dibuat jg versi manganya. isinya ga jauh beda dari animenya. tapi di sini ada beberapa bagian yg ngga diceritain di movienya (terutama cerita saat Takaki dah kerja.

Tapi tetep aja.... ngegantung

Selasa, 05 Juni 2012


I hate that I am such a weakling. My tears are making your smiling face blurry. I could not do anything but merely looking at your trembling back as you slowly diminished out of my sight.

The sound of the wind beating on my window is too loud for me to sleep tonight. However, what's truly noisy is the commotion of my heart.

I'm thinking about you, and I should be smiling, but I feel a light stinging pain in my nose, even though I don't want to cry at all.

I'm such a crybaby that it's irritating. Your smiling face pricks at my bosom. Even in times like this, you would be able to keep smiling. You were truly strong yet gentle.

The flower petals scatter helplessly in the ceaseless rain. Another season is passing by. I feel something warm on my cheeks.

When I gazed up at the sky, I became wanting to see you, so I've been running out of breath, even though I am still not strong yet.

I'm such a crybaby that it's irritating, but I wish to convey it to you now. I need to respond to those strong yet gentle eyes of yours that were directly looking at me.

Before I could notice, I had lost the one thing most precious to me. You were the one who tenderly taught me what it was. I really do think so, without a question.

I hated that I was such a weakling. However, I will become stronger and stronger, so that I would be able to protect you. Until that time, please, wait for me a little longer.